High-Quality Skincare Products
Eira Beauty is a remarkable brand that specializes in crafting high quality skin and haircare products that focus on effective skincare products , based on nature, improved by science. Our brand founder is Eliana McKee, a pediatrician with many years of practice in the United States. After difficulties that we all face in life, she moved from Florida to Alaska with her three teen kids and her dog Lilith. Alaska was the rebirth of Dr. Eliana and she wanted to honor the beautiful state of Alaska with a brand that represented Alaska. Eira means snow in Welsh. Snow was her rebirth. Winter in Alaska is a mystical experience , a journey to your soul. Once you find your path, you find yourself!
After the move to Alaska, she fell in love with Nature and the botany of the arctic and subarctic regions. She wanted to incorporate these amazing plants into an efficacious skin care line. She then got a degree in Cosmetic Chemistry to give her the knowledge to apply principles from science with the benefits of Alaskan nature. Since moving to Alaska, Lilith has passed on, but Dr. Eliana has adopted two dogs from the shelter: Aino and Shiloh.
Our products are made in small batches in our laboratory in Fairbanks Alaska, all made by and supervised by Dr. Eliana.
Our range includes luxurious products that are formulated with efficacy in mind. We use the finest ingredients, and follow GMP protocols. We are also following closely the new MoCRA guidelines for cosmetics from the FDA to ascertain quality of our products and safety of our customers.
Eira beauty is for you! Made with love , with the finest ingredients, with your vitality and well-being in mind.
Welcome to our brand.